Mind Control weapon

Making unconscious is the major function of Mind Control Weapon.

Who and why implant?
Intelligence agencies, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, police agencies, armies,,  implant by shooting with laser to dissidents, labor ∙ social activists, enemies, spies, politicians to monitor.

When to implant
On moving day, you become busy, tired and distracted, it is easier to break into your new house to implant.

How to implant
They implant on your soft bone on the right foot connected to your right brain.
After implanted, you feel only a little uncomfortable without feeling hurt.
If it is implanted on your bone, it hurts like a bruise.
Most victims don't know if they are implanted.

After it is implanted, they see what you see, they hear what you hear and talk by reading your brain.
And you become a slave by the major function of Mind Control Weapon making you unconscious.

After they make you unconscious they command you to do whatever they want, and you obey, but you don't know what has happened because you have been unconscious.

They enter your house anytime they want after making you unconscious and they order you to open the door of your house, you open.

You lose your privacy, personal life and they see all the passwords,, because they see and hear whatever you see and do, talk, hear.

Mind Control weapon on your right eyebrow bone (pictured) is even more dangerous
Your brain becomes a hard disk.
They read all your trivial memories you have already forgotten.

They read, manipulate and suppress what you think, make you think or not to think.

Right part of your body is always warm because of Mind Control Weapon on your right foot.
You can feel the considerable difference in winter.

Second Mind Control Weapon
it is implanted all, any part of your body to manipulate and torture you.
If they implant on your right neck, they torture you there.

He makes me unconscious everyday.
'p' tortures me with the second Mind Control Weapon on all of my body.

To make you commit suicide, they implant second Mind Control Weapon on your head or ear.
They torture you w/ screaming, ringing or squeezing headache to death to make you commit suicide.

Many people have been implanted but don't know if they are implanted.

Most scary thing about 
Mind Control Weapon

They make you unconscious when you are awake with your eyes open at home or in the street reading, watching, eating or walking.

And drag you somewhere, do whatever they want but you don't know what has happened because you've been unconscious.

They might rape or hurt you with weapons or steal, break your stuff.

They break into your house anytime after making you unconscious
but you cannot know because you have been unconscious.

He shot me at least 200,000 shots on the same spot on my breast repeatedly & endlessly with it, I got burned severely.

All toes, tip toes, fingers, knees, buttocks, neck, shoulders, nipples, back, face, head, teeth,, all body have been shot.

He even shot on the genitalia from 2010 and pulled out all blood until no more left and repeated every 1,2 years.

Normal blood level is 15, but mine was 5, it was checked even 3 years later in National Medical Center in Seoul.

'Pig' has tried to kill me, I escaped to Australia, New Zealand, Vancouver Canada, Calgary 2005 to 2007.

Please spread this pic.

If you want to help me

Make a sign w/ thispic and hold it in front of CIA, FBI, Police agencies, armies.

Rest of the Script

1. Manual to make underlings

2. How it started

3. Reason. Mind Control weapon

4. Police P chased Australia, New Zealand, Canada (P's immigration records)

5. I live 1 minute walk to the presidential office,Cheong Wa Dae with 'P's endless intrusion

6. P controls electricity, intrude after damaging security cams and shut down

7. How to HELP me

8. Mind control weapon is to make people unconscious

9. Unconscious w/o a pre-step of losing consciousness, drag me while I am awake

10. 'P's current acrimonious misdeeds

Screaming headache to death

Mosquito, bug terror

Stalking Diary & Mind Control Weapon

I am an avatar of 'pig', he is my digital twin

Makes me unconscious w/ my eyes open hundreds of times a day

Germs on my feet to swell, another bacteria on my feet to crack and bleed, Pig spray

Swollen feet by germs

'Pig' pulled out molar teeth, busted my ear

Lewd 'pig' torture on vagina, genitalia intensively Mind Control Weapon

Vagina, genitalia intensive Mind Control Weapon torture by 'pig'

Underlings, impossible to persuade

Bones of face, fingers got thickened, spilt, bloody by Mind Control Weapon

P spray germs on my feet to swell, another bacteria on my feet to crack and bleed

Unconsciousness w/ my eyes open by Mind Control Weapon

Protest in front of Police agency

Eyebrow Mind Control Weapon(photos) Korean Police implanted

P has underlings assault regularly to kill me

Swollen feet by germs P sprayed over n over on already swollen(photos)

About cop 'P'


Eyebrow-Mind Control Weapon shooting(photos)

All my postings occupied Google search for 'Mind Control Weapon' until September 2022, but disappeared by P's manipulation.

This Mind Control Weapon I've tried to spread the most has always been on the top of 1st page in Google search disappeared as well.

I don't have any preference to be called whatever.

Irrelevant, negative or unimportant articles of me or search of "Mind control weapon Chipchan" appear by P's bombarding clicking from last September.

Please Clickonce a day. I am very desperate, and it's urgent.


  1. Why dont you try to damage the MCW on your right foot?

  2. Hey, the followings are what I guess:
    Is mind control technique really existing?

    How to do that?
    Implanting the special chip into human head when she/he was born, so the chip can monitor the brainwave. The brainwave can be decoded with some special devices or software , so the senses of victims can be read. Just like EEG (electroencephalograph) , but the difference is that the chip is in the head so the signals are purer and more sensitive.

    I guess maybe SOMEONE want the mind control victims to inadvertently collect the information from the country where they live. But the signals are intercepted, so ............

    1. I feel so sorry about that the third assumption is wrong.
      Please just trust me.
      Your governments just don't want to make such situation.
      I just think about it , and make a conclusion today.

    2. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

    3. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  3. Hello, be happier and relax more.

    As you live longer, .................

    They spend more?

    ​Be positive thinking.

    You don't owe them anything.

    Inspire their conscience.

    Aware of traps in the past、now and future.

    And just try to live as longer as you can.

    ​Try to make people(foreigner) believe you.

    ​Face the mistakes they made you made, they are traps.

    ​You are a right girl growing in bad environment.

    ​And also try to make them feel you are useful.

    ​Be more confidence.

    ​Face the guilty in your mind and make them a power to force cop "P".

    ​But just kip fit.

    ​And don't do something wrong in real on impulse.

    You know that the average life expectancy of Korean is around 81 in 2015.

    So if you live strangely shorter, that is what they caused.

    So try to be more healthy to make them have no reason to decrease your life expectancy.

    Just think about that cop "P" is/are real person/people, so he/she/they may have a human mind.

    Find the weakness in his/her/their mind, and Inspire their conscience.

    Good Luck!!

    1. Be yourself, pretend to be the you that they want and it will give you more consciousness to be aware of things.

  4. ​Hi, please be positive. The environment will change.
    Trust me you can make it! : )

    By the way, you don't owe them but they also suffer from some irregular situation.
    So trust me, be positive, be happier.
    The environment will be better.
    Make yourself happy and positive is something important.
    : )

    1. It's okay to be upset, don't force your emotions but learn to project them in to safe places like media, art, drawing, etc. P can't read it but it lets your emotion out and lets you think.

  5. so sorry about everything that's happened, it must be terrifying but you're so smart, you know that? You are very smart and everyone's here for you. We're listening. I promise.

  6. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  7. There are many more people that care about you and want you to be happy, than there are people who don't want you to succeed.

  8. 블로그 관리자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.


  9. Hola Jane, espero que estés bien, no he visto tus transmisiones en meses, espero que algún día puedas ser feliz.

  10. Hi Jane, I hope you are well, I have not seen your transmissions for months, I hope that one day you can be happy.

  11. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  12. hi jane, popo dragen here! I just want you to know you have all my love and support. I will try my best to become rich to give u lots of money and buy you many things anonymously! Please chip or no chip DEFEAT the pain and the bad GUYS. We are with you. I want to see you run on a grass field free, with many many friends from ur chip chan supporters community, eating something very yummy and with chip thing in the past <3 because you got it out of you, spiritually and physically too *if chip I think it could be gps + drugs + confusion* I wub u jane <3 fighting!

  13. http://psychokinesis.club is blog that focuses on an individual to become the best psychokinesis they could possibly be, Generally the influence the result of a circumstance utilizing the intensity of their brain by obtaining supernatural power all the more legitimately identifies with the development of items utilizing the intensity of the brain, yet psychokinetic forces might be utilized to show explicit results or occasions of pretty much any sort. how to control someone mind

  14. Whenever I type "Mind Control Weapon" in the GOOGLE search bar,

    "Mind Control Weapon chipchan" appears as a related search word,

    but it disappeared from 11 o'clock 2021.8.21. today.

    1. It shows me your youtube channel and your picket pictures

    2. If you search for Mind Control Weapon on Google, my posting above appears on the top of 1st page.

      But now, P's daily manipulation my posting above has disappeared from the top of 1st page in Google search.

  15. Representative of the brute and wounded right-wing flat-earther and anti-vaccine.

    Learn science bitch.


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Chipchan, Mind Control Weapon

Major function of Mind Control Weapon is making you unconscious