Script 9. Unconscious w/o a pre-step of losing consciousness with my eyes open by Mind Control Weapon

 Force unconsciousness without a pre-step of losing consciousness with my eyes open, Korean police 'P' drag me somewhere.

When I had some little accidents as a kid which had me surprised, I had a sudden spasm right before I fell asleep.

I moved to Shinsu-dong in 1999, the night after implanting Mind Control weapon, I had the same convulsion right before I fell asleep due to the implant shock.

Since then I had shocks whenever got implanted or got tortured by the strongest level of it right before falling into asleep.

P tortured me w/ the highest level of Mind Control weapon on chest, jaws, molars, back, buttocks, head, shoulders, genitalia, ears and head, forehead w/ tens of thousands of needles dropping at the same time and screaming, squeezing, ringing headaches after making me unconscious.

The shock has me convulsed the next day just before I fall into asleep.

I couldn't fall asleep the next day because of endless convulsions for hours by the vicious torture to almost have a heart attack.

If he uses 1 second of force unconsciousness with pre-steps of losing consciousness, my body will bounce 4 or 5 meters away in the street or fall down dozens of times in a state of unconsciousness or waking state to torment me.

I couldn't go to the stage of losing consciousness due to endless spasms, he started making me unconscious without a stage before losing consciousness.

I would die of a heart attack if he makes me unconscious with a pre-step of losing consciousness.

When you wake up, you wouldn't know exactly when or how long you have been unconscious if you get unconscious without a pre-step of losing consciousness.

After force unconsciousness on the street, he repeated only pre-steps of making me unconscious to give me strong convulsions, have my body bounced off the road, fell down and almost got hit by cars, and concussions require wearing a helmet.

I almost died of severe bruises on occasions on my head, arms, hips and legs countless times.

Police P is desperately trying to maim me with his maximum acrimonious misdeeds.

He tortures me with it after force unconsciousness, and when I wake up, it hurts as if the bones of my body are crushed. The joints of the hands, fingers, wrists, and elbows are stiff and painful.

With millions of endless implanting, the bones of all finger joints, facial and eyebrow were deformed, thickened and protruded with dented scars on temples.

It is hard to stay awake because P had me unconscious anytime arbitrarily, I don't know when to get unconscious, my molar almost decayed with a cavity and had it covered with gold. But in 2020, P broke in, uprooted my molars. So painful. I still can't believe the loss. P's made me unconscious at any time endlessly.

P has had me cringe worthy, to make me unconscious to have me go to bed or have me close my eyes after force extreme sleepiness, but I stay in a chair, now he's made me unconscious anytime he wants.

Sitting on a chair around the clock is not uncomfortable at all for me because I've been unconscious by Mind Control weapon.

Who can sleep in a chair all day for several decades.

He controls me to stretch, has me cross arms, move my hands, face and has me get up by bowel movements like I am awake to deceive.

He drags me on the road after force unconsciousness while I am awake with my eyes open to implant, to sexually assault or steal my stuff.

PCs, monitors, phones, chargers, cables, mice, keyboards, shoes, clothes, towels, bowls,, with holes and got ragged, tattered, all underwear unable to wear with endless urine and feces, none are fine. Hundreds are stolen and broken endlessly.

Force scratching, cutting my body all over with my fingernails or a knife in blood, have my groin covered in blood, intravenous injection on my right arm, elbow after force unconsciousness, scars will not disappear for over 20 years.

I'm doing this for help, but all Koreans only ask me to do this or to do that endlessly.

Please, spread : Mind Control Weapon

Screaming headache to death

Mosquito, bug terror

Stalking Diary & Mind Control Weapon

I am an avatar to 'pig', digital twin

Makes me unconscious w/ my eyes open hundreds of times a day

Germs on my feet to swell, another bacteria on my feet to crack and bleed, Pig spray

Swollen feet by germs

'Pig' pulled out molar teeth, busted my ear


Lewd 'pig' torture on vagina, genitalia intensively Mind Control Weapon

Vagina, genitalia intensive Mind Control Weapon torture by 'pig'

Underlings, impossible to persuade


1. Manual to make underlings

2. How it started

3. Reason. Mind Control weapon

4. Police P chased Australia, New Zealand, Canada (P's immigration records)

5. I live 1 minute walk to the presidential office,Cheong Wa Dae with 'P's endless intrusion

6. P controls electricity, intrude after damaging security cams and shut down

7. How to help me

8. Mind control weapon is to make people unconscious

9. Unconscious w/o a pre-step of losing consciousness, drag me while I am awake

10. 'P's current acrimonious misdeeds

==============Google translate=================================

9) Without a step before losing consciousness = Eyes open After losing consciousness

When I was very surprised, there were times when I had a sudden convulsion in my body right before I fell asleep.

On the day I moved to Sinsu-dong in 1999, the day after I received the mind weapon transplant, just before sleep, I fell asleep after having a convulsions in my body due to the implant shock.

Since 2008, I have been unconscious for dozens of hours, viciously attacked with a mind weapon, and the next day, I woke up with a convulsion enough to have a heart attack just before I lost consciousness.

If you can't go to the stage of losing consciousness, it causes you to lose consciousness without a stage before losing consciousness. When I wake up, I don't know when I lost consciousness, I'm confused

After making him lose consciousness on the road, he repeats only the steps before he loses consciousness, but the convulsions were so strong that his body bounced off the road and nearly hit the car. His head, arms, buttocks and legs were severely bruised on countless occasions where he nearly died.

Police P is desperately trying to maim him with his best effort. After making him lose consciousness, he attacks with a mind weapon, and when he wakes up, it hurts as if the bones of his body are crushed. The joints of the hands, wrists, and elbows are stiff and painful.

Life is impossible because you never know when you will lose consciousness. So painful. In 2005, my teeth rotted and I had gold teeth, but I lost consciousness at any time, so my teeth rot again, and in 2010 I ripped them all out again. Even my gold teeth in 2010 are all worn out now. missing teeth

"Close your eyes right now" Even with cramping and drowsiness, since 2009, I haven't been able to go to bed, so I immediately lose consciousness when I close my eyes while sitting in a chair.

I am not aware of any discomfort. I would lose consciousness if I was sitting in a chair in front of my desk. have to sleep in bed.

Try to see if you can sleep in a chair every day for several decades.

As if waking up with a mind control weapon to deceive, the controls stretched, arms crossed, hands and face moved, “get up right away” several times to urinate and urinate.

After losing consciousness while waking on the road, he dragged him out and implanted mind weapons, sexually assaulted,

Knife cutting - groin, body covered in blood, intravenous injection - right arm in the elbow, theft damage - money battery

PC, monitor, phone charger, cable, mouse, keyboard, shoes, clothes, towels, bowls

Holes are drilled in each panty and socks, and immediately urinate and urinate when wearing panties, unable to wear

Mind Control - Chop your nails and your whole body is covered in blood

[Source] Script, 2021 | Written by P YouTube banned

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이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Mind Control weapon

Chipchan, Mind Control Weapon

Major function of Mind Control Weapon is making you unconscious