'pig' pulled out 2 molar teeth 3 months ago

The most scariest thing is not Mind Control Weapon, but shitty, dirty personality of 'pig's

The eardrum on the right ear also burst by 'pig'

4days ago 'pig' implant Mind Control Weapon on the teeth, torturing me

I cannot chew or eat food.

'pig' has implanted all over by body including genital part, nipples, soles, toes, feet, ankles, knees, buttoks, pelves, neck, backs, shoulders, jaws, eyes, forehead, head, ears, mouth,,, since 1999 for 22years 

mosquito,bug terror

Mind Control weapon

Stalking Diary & Mind Control Weapon

Image of Mind Control Weapon


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Mind Control weapon

Chipchan, Mind Control Weapon

Major function of Mind Control Weapon is making you unconscious