I am an avatar of pig by Mind Control Weapon

'pig' is my digital twin, he thinks with my brain, manipulates my thoughts 24 hours a day.

Every little thing I've been through, completely forgotten, 'pig' looks into my brain every day.

He reads my thoughts and I can't go anywhere.

All day, I just think , "I have to think." but 'pig' won't let me think, not to act all day.

'pig' controls me to dream using eyebrows-Mind Control Weapon everyday.

Everyday Mind Control Weapon-controlled dream I dream.

The dream before the dream I just had is a real dream.

Pig reads even the smallest things I can't remember by it, controls by preventing me from thinking, suppressing my thoughts.


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이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Mind Control weapon

Chipchan, Mind Control Weapon

Major function of Mind Control Weapon is making you unconscious