Korean police torture me to death by Mind Control Weapon

Sudden and strong pin tingling will get me a heart attack.

P's main acrimonious misdeeds :

➊ Pin tingling

➋ awl stabbing, aching

Pain on my shin like being hit 100 times with a crow bar.

​(it took me a month to express it because I only experienced the first time everyday)

100 hits on my calves with a whip



oozing with pus



➓ pain of scratching too hard (even if I didn't touch) with very unpleasant smell of first time smell.

➊ Feet

Force taking off scabs on the instep after making me unconscious by 'pig'.

'P' only wanted to hide the fact he implanted Mind Control Weapon to cause heat rash to torture me with itch, a discharge from the wound which formed scabs covered the whole legs and arms.

But when I started recording to upload on YouTube, he removed it to hide, after repeat of heat rash torture.

If it's not P's acting-up, does a scab appear and disappear like this?

Pain on my shin like being hit 100 times with a crow bar.

 (it took me a month to express it because I only experienced the first time every day) 

➋ Left leg

➌ Right leg

 ➍ Right hand, arm

Scabs removed

➎ Left arm

Half of scab removed

➏ Right thigh

➐ Left thigh

P implanted heat rash causing Mind Control Weapon to torture me with itch, oozing, scabs and swelling, the scabs burst and bleed by swelling.

Half of scabs're already removed.

P removed the scabs to hide what he made my legs like this.

All will be taken off soon.

Feet - swelling is removed a lot now, but from the evening they get more swollen, force taking off scab right before it forms.

Force taking off half of the scab after making me unconscious.

Why does he force taking off scabs again and again?

Because he wants to hide that he implanted it to cause heat rash and made this miserable mess he has done to me to hide from other Mind Control Weapon-Korean cops.

After removing scabs, 'pig' does swelling, oozing with pus on my leg again by it, when a scab appears, force taking off. = Endless repetition

No suggestions plz. Suggesting is not helping, but hurting. I'm not doing them not because I don't know or I haven't done all suggestions you can imagine or have given me. I don't want to waste time reading those shits and answering, have already enough since I started streaming from a long time ago. I already visited several dermatologists several months ago before I started uploading those videos. Not because to get treatment but because in the hope that P would stop acting up. What doctors can do? Even if I take prescriptions and apply ointments, P uses it to control the medicine not to work, implants more and abuse me harder and harder. Mind Control Weapon is used to control the victim's body.

I post to spread to get help, not to be nagged, in the hope of finding someone who will stop 'pig's acting up. One of readers gave me a suggestion like having a pet, which hurt me so hard. P and his underlings killed my dog, which I didn't want to remind. So don't give me suggestions, those will be deleted. Wounded skin with scars and endless force taking off scabs get the condition worse.

⑴ Precription https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i-Beenfelc Antibiotics, steroids, and medicines are bad for the body, so I rarely took them, but only apply ointments, some tubes of Mupirocin, Desoxymethason. And I don't need to apply ointment either. P tortures me with itch, pin tingling, awl stabbing by Eyebrow Mind Control Weapon, discharging from the wound only when he wants to act up by Mind Control Weapon.

My legs are in that state not because I have something wrong with my body or I'm infected, but it's because P shot it about 1 million times to cause heat rash.

Force discharging causes scabs after it dried up covered my legs and arms.

Force taking off the densely formed scabs by P leaves permanent pigmentation, it may look OK without them but my skin get worse and more miserable.

P read my idea of intensively filming video of leg scab, took off half of the scab, and removed the entire next day. Force taking off scabs damaged my skin worse. Doctors can do nothing. P tortures my legs covered by the scabs itchy, pin tingling, oozing out, and awl stabbing, and swelling with maximum level. How can I tell dermatologists pin tingling, awl pricking and swelling? If I apply medicine, P makes the skin condition worse using Mind Control weapon. Endless discharge secreted from the wound dried up and hardened make scabs on my legs after implanting heat rash causing Mind Control weapon. How P tortures my legs and arms after heat rash causing Mind Control Weapon implantation.

① Force endless discharging from the wound using the maximum level of Mind Control Weapon. ② Force itching using the maximum level of it. ③ Pin tingling by Eyebrow Mind Control Weapon.

④ Pricking the wounds with an awl with the maximum level. ⑤ Murderous heat and soreness. ⑥ Swelling. ⑶ Heat rash abusing started ① After returning from Canada in 2007, he poured germs on my limbs. First time in my life. I didn't know what it was, just itchy, I scratched. ② The ladies told me to apply charcoal powder, saying, "You can endure pain, but can't itching." ③ It disappeared immediately after applying it. It was so amazing. I applied it even on my face everyday. ④ It happened every summer, but very little rash on lips, nose, face, heels, back of the knees, so I didn't know this was heat rash. ⑤ The beginning of 2020, I found a dot on the left thigh and another on the left ankle, thought I had a mosquito bite and it's been itchy for months. ⑥ But from October more appeared, got bigger and spread all over my legs. ⑦ They suddenly became millions of dots, he shot a million times. ⑧ Whenever I go to JD Library, he made me unconscious after the force extreme sleepiness, dragged me and shot Mind Control weapon causing burning rash millions of times. ⑨ He used the maximum level to abuse me and the current state has become the worst in 15 days. ⑩ Now he tortures me with pin tingling, awl stabbing by Eyebrow Mind Control Weapon, burning heat, soreness, itching, an endless discharge from wounds, pain like being hit 100 times with a whip on my calves, all kinds of pains that I have never experienced.

Charcoal worked perfect on germs causing rash, but from a few years ago he implanted it instead of spraying germs to occur burning rash.

And the charcoal power got disabled to remove the heat rash.

Protest in front of Police agency from 9 to 21 o'clock Mind Control Weapon-related police are there and only they can stop P, but they enjoy my pain. P and they try to push me to force suicide. I don't want to die, but want to end this pain. I can't scratch it even if it's too itchy, so I slapped it hard with my palm but I don't do any more because of endless oozing. The sheets got all wet with oozing like a bucket of water is poured, and legs are still secreting and bloated, split.

Protesting won't stop pig's acting up, because Mind Control Weapon-related police have him act up.

P's manipulating my postings on Google search All my postings occupied Google search of 'Mind Control weapon' on the 1 page until last September, but disappeared by P's manipulation. https://mndctrlwpn.blogspot.com/2019/03/mind-controlll-weapon.html

↑ This occupied from the top of 1st page in Google search of 'Mind Control Weapon' until last September, but disappeared.

Chipchan : I don't have any preference to be called whatever, which's not important. Irrelevant, negative or unimportant articles of me on search of "Mind Control weapon Chipchan" appear by P's bombarding clicking from last September 2021.

PICs https://mndctrlwpn.blogspot.com P chased me to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada,, https://mndctrlwpn.blogspot.com/2022/01/secreting-by-mind-control-weapon.html Heat rash abusing started, when,, https://mndctrlwpn.blogspot.com/2021/11/what-has-happened-on-legs.html Pics today https://mndctrlwpn.blogspot.com/2022/01/p-took-off-scabs-to-hide-his.html

Scabs removed after making me unconscious tomorrow completely, half is already removed.

⑺ P's endless acting up

If you click Mind Control Weapon my articles including script 1 to 10, a login window appears, and if I log in, "Edit post" appears.

I found out about this 2021 and corrected all, but over 100 were not linked.

How frivolous is 'pig'? Do I have to check everyday if it linked correctly?

I corrected all the wrongly linked articles, but the next day all the links became unlinked again. 

Even if I do this everyday for over a month, it is not corrected. It only works the moment it's corrected.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Mind Control weapon

Chipchan, Mind Control Weapon

Major function of Mind Control Weapon is making you unconscious