Making unconscious is the major function of Mind Control Weapon . Who and why implant? Intelligence agencies, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, police agencies, armies,, implant by shooting with laser to dissidents, labor ∙ social activists, enemies, spies, politicians to monitor. When to implant On moving day, you become busy, tired and distracted, it is easier to break into your new house to implant. How to implant They implant on your soft bone on the right foot connected to your right brain. After implanted, you feel only a little uncomfortable without feeling hurt. If it is implanted on your bone, it hurts like a bruise. Most victims don't know if they are implanted. After it is implanted, they see what you see, they hear what you hear and talk by reading your brain. And you become a slave by the major function of Mind Control Weapon making you unconscious. After they make you unconscious they command you to do whatever they want, and ...
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답글삭제A grop of viious people are making massive reports not to be searched in 'Google'
What kind of vicious people?
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Should i show this to other police men? Did you try putting your story on television?
답글삭제We tried hard to spread your story too. People actually believe you and want to help you.
삭제Reach out to someone please