Itchy arms and legs due to heat rash and hives by Mind Control Weapon
My arms and legs are itchy due to heat rash and hives by Mind Control Weapon Jongro27 2 cruisers at the same time, same place Jongro 20, Jongro03 Jongro02 Taxi driver P shot Mind Control Weapon to cause rash, hives Black spots on the back of right leg Those dots are all Mind Control Weapon shots to cause rash ⑴ Scab by oozing I wipe off not to create scab, but P uses Mind Control Weapon to ooze more and more to make more scab. Endless oozing becomes scabs. My legs are tortured to be shattered. ⑵ Dermatologist said, I scratched too hard, it oozed out to form scabs because of the dry air, I need moisturizer, another said it's atopy. They are all correct because P implanted it to cause to ooze, to itch, all different kind of pains,, ⑶ The purpose of my uploading is to spread how Korean Police torture innocent civilians by Mind Control Weapon and look for so...