P remotely controls a wall outlet, extensions to burn and destroys electric appliances. https://blog.naver.com/qewwer/222793229938 I used this charger less than a month. Left eyebrow, P implants Eyebrow Mind Control Weapon over n over again to make pock marks P shot Eyebrow Mind Control Weapon on the same spot over n over to make bigger, deeper pock marks, all the dots you see in the pic are the pock marks. He made wrinkles on my face from 2012 to 2015 after dragging me unconscious in front of Police agency. ⑴ Scab by oozing I wipe off not to create scab, but P uses Mind Control Weapon to ooze more and more to make more scab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHGvyQzvzpU Endless oozing becomes scabs. My legs are tortured to be shattered. ⑵ Dermatologist said , I scratched too hard, it oozed out to form scabs because of the dry air, I need moisturizer, another said it's atopy. They are all correct because P implanted it to cause to ooze, to itch, all dif...