4월, 2022의 게시물 표시

Pin tingling and itching torture with Mind Control Weapon by Korean Police

Torture of Pin tingling all day hurts so much. https://blog.naver.com/qewwer/222717371999 ⑴ Scab by oozing I wipe off not to create scab, but P uses Mind Control Weapon to ooze more and more to make more scab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHGvyQzvzpU Endless oozing becomes scabs. My legs are tortured to be shattered. ⑵ Dermatologist said , I scratched too hard to ooze out to form scabs because of the dry air, I need moisturizer, another said it's atopy. They are all correct because P implanted it to cause to ooze, to itch, all different kind of pains,, If I wet my hands and feet with water , dead skin cell come out. It wasn't a scab but dead skin cells. P implanted heat rash causing Mind Control Weapon , skin drying Mind Control Weapon , oozing Mind Control Weapon . Implanting to make the skin dry, he shoot at the highest intensity to drain the skin. ⑶ The purpose of my uploading is to spread how Korean Police torture innocent civilians by Mind Control Weapon an...

Protesting at Seoul police agency everyday have Korean police torture me

I protest in front of Seoul police agency, Korean police force P to make me poop in my pants by the top level of  Mind Control Weapon  to terrorize. I can't tolerate, it's too disgusting to live with. My thighs are damp everyday Bumps like goose bumps come out at night. Thighs are the wettest part, so I often check it P implanted  Mind Control Weapon  to creat heat rash and makes me itch to torture. Pics are in the middle. P damages dozens of my slippers 1. He attaches a 1cm-diameter stone to the shoe sole in the middle, and makes me not think and not to see the shoe sole even if it's uncomfortable while walking. 2. Makes the hole and damage it a few days later. This way dozens of pairs were damaged. 3. I look into the hole in the bottom of the soles everyday, he made anoter hole on the top of the sole too. Implanting  Mind Control Weapon  to crack and split my feet  over and over again, dripping blood, and, he tortur...

Korean police use Mind Control Weapon to torture and kill people

My thighs are damp everyday Bumps like goose bumps come out at night. Thighs are the wettest part, so I often check it P implanted  Mind Control Weapon  to creat heat rash and makes me itch to torture. Pics are in the middle. P damages dozens of my slippers 1. He attaches a 1cm-diameter stone to the shoe sole in the middle, and makes me not think and not to see the shoe sole even if it's uncomfortable while walking. 2. Makes the hole and damage it a few days later. This way dozens of pairs were damaged. 3. I look into the hole in the bottom of the soles everyday, he made anoter hole on the top of the sole too. Implanting  Mind Control Weapon  to crack and split my feet over and over again, dripping blood, and, he tortures me harder when I walk by the highest intensity of it. https://blog.naver.com/qewwer/222715575686 My thighs are damp all day, goose bumps come out at night, disappear a lot at daytime. ⑴ Scab by oozi...